It is a given: digital transformation is a must for companies. And yet, contrary to what you may read in some articles, carrying out a successful digitalization strategy is not an easy task.
Switching a service to all-digital, automating customer follow-up processes, finding the right tools and the right internal organisation: these are all pitfalls in a project that has become unavoidable.
Here are some keys to mastering this real internal revolution.
Do not underestimate the difficulty
Let’s face it: a successful digital transformation is often a bumpy road.
A company, whether it has 10 or 5000 employees, has established specific internal processes throughout its existence. And, whatever the transformation envisaged – we are not just talking about digital – obstacles are bound to arise in an often rigid eco-system.
The machines, software and internal processes may seem obsolete but it is difficult to imagine them otherwise. Thus, the obstacles to change often come from the employees. Indeed, digital technology in general gives rise to certain fears.
In addition, some opposition may also come from management. Leaders may have a truncated or distorted picture of these transformations. It is difficult to take a fresh and neutral look at one’s own business and carry out an in-depth analysis of one’s daily activities.
If you add all this up, you will understand the difficulties that such a transition creates. And to reassure your employees, among others, and to integrate them into the process, think of planning communication time.
Paradoxically, even companies working in new technologies, media, communication and social networks are discovering that it is not so easy to succeed in their digital transformation. That is, with a real return on investment and a real plus in the work and organisation of all departments and employees.
Such an evolution requires meticulous work upstream, specifications, a budget, a schedule, detailed monitoring, etc. In short, we are completely within the framework of a strategic business project.
A real global strategy
The digital transition should therefore not be undertaken in a hurry, forced or coerced. We need to start a process of reflection leading to a real strategy. And that it is global.
Indeed, it is tempting to only digitise a part of the processes. Today, between managing and rapidly analysing data from customer experiences, digital marketing is on a roll. Articles about this marketing revolution are whetting appetites: from now on, artificial intelligence and transversal software will boost marketing.
However, it is a big mistake to focus on one department of your company when it comes to digitalisation.
In addition to leaving other branches and processes of the company “digitalised”, this is also a misunderstanding of the purpose of digitalisation.
A company is a whole. A digital transformation must be global, otherwise an imbalance is created that can lead to failure. Obviously, some sectors won’t be able to be fully digitised. We can think here of the production of goods, craft manufacturing, etc.
However, they must of course be integrated into the strategy, especially in terms of internal exchanges. If the marketing department triggers an alert in response to a new customer request, relying on rapid, automated and comprehensive communication to the production line is a winning solution. On the one hand, manufacturing is always in close contact with the “customer experience”, and on the other hand, you combine a fast response to the offer with a reduction in stocks.
Companies that have succeeded in doing this have therefore focused their initial efforts on the overall internal functioning. And this is before spreading digitalisation to all processes, which also includes a new way of seeing things, of thinking about management.
Thinking ahead
Starting a digital transformation strategy should also be an opportunity to look beyond working collaboratively through a cloud, increasing the number of digital products or integrating big data into your marketing department.
We must seize this unique opportunity to go further.
This crucial stage in the life of the company should also be seen as a new beginning.
It is an opportunity to think about new markets, new products and services.
As we said, marketing is deeply impacted by digital. You will have access to advanced, real-time analysis of your customer or prospect data. They too are experiencing a digital transformation and even a revolution in their daily lives: smartphones, social networks, etc. The act of buying itself has evolved and a Google search has become the first reflex before ordering a product.
Digital transformation is therefore the time to rethink its relationship with the customer: inbound and content marketing, natural referencing, user experience, etc. The commercial approach is the big winner of digitalisation and it would be a shame to miss out.
This is why it is a good idea not to wait for future analyses of the data resulting from digitalisation, but toanticipate them instead in upstream thinking. The choice of Big Data processing software should therefore be carefully considered.
Finally, digitalisation is a long-term process. New technologies and new uses will not stand still once your transformation has been activated. This should also be integrated into the final project.
In and out
As we have seen, digitalisation is conceived transversally: all services will be affected.
It is therefore only natural that this new situation should be taken into account in the early stages of planning and implementation.
All employees have their own vision and analysis of their tasks but also of those of others. They will be able to point out what they think are gaps, difficulties, anomalies. But also the successes and their interactions with other employees. Some may be using digital tools or solutions in the private sector that would be appropriate.
This kind of internal audit often brings up fears but also training needs or practical solutions that the management, human resources or marketing departments have not thought of.
Similarly, the digitisation of exchanges will have an impact on your relations with the outside world.
One of the winning tactics is to include suppliers and customers in the upstream thinking.
Here too, original solutions will certainly emerge.
Perhaps some of your business contacts have already started or successfully completed their own digital transformation. They will be able to tell you about it and perhaps give you some ‘tips’.
In addition to collecting important information, this communication about your own digital revolution will enhance your image. Your company will give the image of a dynamic company, meeting the new challenges of the digital world. You will also be able to share your experience later and communicate at trade fairs or exchanges within clubs or associations. You will be seen as an expert in the field and will be able to share your know-how.
Seeing with fresh eyes
As you can see, initiating a digital transformation is not an easy task. This takes time, experience and an idea of what solutions to apply.
And what does a good business leader do when he or she has neither the means nor the time to integrate a new but essential process?
He or she outsources.
MCA Seed Academy is a consulting firm offering to perform the internal audits necessary for any digital transformation.
Our experts will be at your service:
- Their experiences in the entrepreneurial world, from very small businesses to international limited companies, as well as SMEs and craft enterprises, without forgetting associations and government organisations.
- their acute knowledge of digital solutions, whether software or hardware,
- their ability to analyse processes and identify ergonomic solutions,
- their habit of thinking globally and efficiently.
Last but not least, our consultants will analyse the company’s own tasks and processes without prejudice or preconceptions. As mentioned above, employees need to be included in the process, and internal investigations will be facilitated if they are carried out by an outside, independent party.
Finally, if you want your digital revolution to be driven internally, MCA Seed Academy also offers comprehensive and customised training courses.
Put all the chances on your side by calling on the professionals of the digital revolution: MCA Seed Academy.