In-house training

Icon of MCA Seed's internal structuring services

In-house training plan

The in-house training plan has a significant impact on how quickly newcomers integrate into your organisation and how effectively they perform their tasks. It is therefore essential to have a well-constructed training plan to ensure that your business continues to operate with any changes in personnel.

A good training plan is largely based on the structure of your company. So you have to ask yourself: is your company well structured ? How does it work ? Is there already a division between the departments and operations to be managed (commercial management, financial management, etc./quotes, planning, payments, etc.) ? If so, are the roles well defined in this structure ? Is there a dedicated manager for each sector and each operation ? What does each task involve, what do you need to know to accomplish each of the necessary tasks ?

If each role and task has been well defined, it becomes easier to set a framework for the training of new employees.

These are the different elements that will be discussed with you during our training sessions to enable you to put in place a clear and effective in-house training strategy.

Illustration of in-house training plan | MCA Seed
Illustration of staff development | MCA Seed

Staff development

How can you value your employees in a way that strengthens their commitment while providing them with real added value ?

Staff development involves providing additional training to enable your employees to acquire new skills and enhance their existing skills. These trainings are complementary to the basic in-house training that consists in imparting instructions and know-how directly related to the basic operations of your company. On the one hand, they allow the employee to gain experience that will be useful throughout his or her career, and on the other hand, they allow the company to grow by investing in people.

Any new skills acquired by the employee will enable him or her to carry out an existing task more efficiently or to take on a new operation that will boost your business. Training an employee for a task that was previously carried out externally, for example, will give you greater autonomy because this task can now be carried out internally, without relying on external parties.

The training we offer will teach you how best to develop your staff for your mutual benefit.

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Delegation of responsibilities with measures

Involving employees more in the company is one way to avoid high turnover.

Within the company, the distribution of tasks must be thought out in such a way as to create cohesion between the responsibilities given to employees, the instructions to be given and the checks to be carried out to ensure that operations have been carried out correctly.

Employees who are given more responsibility will feel more confident, which will contribute to their professional development. Delegation of responsibilities also allows managers to avoid work overloads that can result in mistakes or missed deadlines, thus affecting the performance of the company.

Training teaches you how to develop a good division of labour and an effective monitoring strategy to prevent frequent turnover and to enhance the value of your staff.

Illustration of delegation of responsibilities | MCA Seed
Illustration of digital awareness | MCA Seed

Raising awareness of digitalisation

Training your employees in digital skills, whether for internal operations or for marketing via social networks, has many benefits for your company and your employees. With digital technology now firmly entrenched in everyday life, both in the private and professional spheres, training your employees in digital technology is good for your business and for your employees.

This training can be as much about internal operations through the use of management software or technologies such as QR-code, as about marketing through social networks.

For example, if your company has a LinkedIn page and you want to boost it, you can encourage your employees to set up their own LinkedIn page, making sure they know how to use their page to promote the company. Through this training, the company is valued because it increases its visibility on LinkedIn and the employee is valued because the creation of a worked LinkedIn page allows him to increase his visibility on the market.

MCA Seed Academy helps you to set up digital awareness trainings for your employees, both on the professional and private side.

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