
Icon of MCA Seed's internal structuring services

Flow organisation

Well-organised flows (financial, administrative, information, etc.) within the company and supported by the right processes contribute to a successful business.

A lack of cohesion in the flows, a lack of processes or the integration of unsuitable processes is often costly in time and money.

The analysis of your company’s flows can tell you whether your flow management is inconsistent and hinders your performance or whether it is working perfectly. This analysis is mainly based on an organisation chart listing and schematising the various flows in your company and the actors interacting with each of them.

Depending on the outcome of the analysis, it may be necessary to review the processes involved in the management of flows to make them more fluid.

MCA Seed Academy offers training courses to provide you with all the necessary analysis tools to examine your company’s flows as well as advice on the solutions to implement for organised and coherent flows.

Flow organisation management illustration | MCA Seed
Illustration diary of entries | MCA Seed

Accounting diary

An assessment of your accounting: are there operations where you could save time through automation and the adoption of digital tools ?

To simplify your company’s accounting, the management of your recurring entries can be automated. That is, if standing orders have been given to a bank, it is possible with software supported by artificial intelligence to automate the entries.

Automation processes reduce data entry time, saving you from time-consuming and repetitive manual operations. It also helps to avoid potential input errors.

MCA Seed Academy provides training on the best way to manage your entries and gives you advice and information on all the possibilities offered by digital accounting.

Training and process implementation

Thinking about your business processes revolves around the actions required to make your business work. A series of questions must be asked in order to structure the right processes for effective management:

  • What are the tasks that need to be done to keep your business running ?
  • What is the best way to accomplish a required task ?
  • What are the relationships between the various processes ?
  • What are the responsibilities associated with a given task ?
  • What resources are needed to accomplish these tasks ?

The aim is to go as simple as possible to control the workload and save time on low-value tasks.

MCA Seed Academy offers training to help you define and integrate your start-up processes or help you re-engineer your processes for greater efficiency.

Illustration of process implementation | MCA Seed
Training illustration 'Organigram' | MCA Seed Academy

Measurement table

For monitoring your cash flow, establishing a cash flow measurement chart is essential.

In particular, assessing the outflow of monthly payments and the inflow of issued invoices will give you more visibility on your cash flow. This will allow you to analyse your company’s finances, anticipate potential complications and reduce risks by implementing preventive measures.

The aim is to answer two main questions:

  • What is your current level of cash flow ?
  • How will this level potentially change next month ?

The training courses offered by MCA Seed Academy teach you how to create a measurement table, calculate your cash flow and set up a cash flow monitoring system with the support of digital tools, in order to ensure the economic health of your company.

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Clarification of internal tasks

The distribution of roles and responsibilities affects the performance of the company. Indeed, if internal tasks or responsibilities are not defined, it is more difficult to collaborate and stay organised. Duplication of work, forgotten tasks, delays in completing a task – these are the risks of poor internal task management.

Task clarification therefore consists of clearly defining the tasks to be carried out and allocating them according to the skills of the teams concerned and their workload. Tasks, roles and responsibilities should be clearly defined and accompanied by precise instructions so that each employee knows what to do, when to do it and who to consult if necessary.

Training will help you to organise your internal tasks in a clear and coherent way while ensuring that the workload is well distributed for maximum efficiency in your management.

Illustration clarification interne | MCA Seed
Illustration Expenditure planning | MCA Seed

Improved prevention of delays

Late payment can be very detrimental to businesses, as it leads to additional costs that can have a negative impact on cash flow.

Let’s say you run a sanitary business and you buy 4 boilers for CHF 110’000. If you fail to pay this invoice, and the supplier charges you an additional 2% on unpaid invoices, you will end up paying an additional CHF 2,200, a sum that cannot be injected into the development of your business.

This problem is all the more important if late bills are accumulating. An extra charge on a $100 bill may not seem like much, but if we are talking about several hundred unpaid $100 bills…

In addition to the financial aspect, late payments also negatively affect your reputation and your relationship with your suppliers.

To avoid such situations, measures should be put in place to prevent late payments. Automatic reminders for payments, detailed monitoring of outstanding supplier payments, automation of certain processes to speed up payment processing.

A training course will teach you how to effectively prevent late payments through different methods, processes and tools, to better manage your cash flow and maintain your reputation.

Expenditure planning

To keep your business running smoothly, it is important to ensure that your equipment is up to date and functional.

Preparing a plan for the renewal of your infrastructure (computers, monitors, office chairs, printers, etc.) allows you to manage a budget for the related expenses.

When planning the renewal of equipment, you need to be aware of the age of the equipment in use, its current condition and also the needs of the employees.

While the change in infrastructure is partly due to the state of the current hardware, it can also be influenced by the latest developments and the needs of employees. Perhaps, for example, they would benefit from using larger screens on their computers for better readability?

Training will teach you how best to plan your expenditure so that you always have an operational infrastructure while keeping your budget under control.

Illustration better delay prevention | MCA Seed
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