Communication - prospecting

Icon of MCA Seed's internal structuring services

Document organisation

Poor organisation of documentation, whether in paper or digital format, results in a great waste of time. If documents accumulate and are misfiled, your employees spend a lot of time looking for the information they need.

Establishing the right classification method and processes for handling, filing and archiving documentation contributes to better information flow within your organisation, reduces the risk of document loss, and saves you considerable time.

A great deal of thought needs to be given to how documents can be made quickly accessible to those who need them, without them having to go through too much handling.

Digitising almost all physical documentation has its advantages in terms of document organisation. It allows you to manage a large volume of documents, freeing up space in your premises and simplifying the search for information by means of keyword, date, document type, author and other criteria.

Training on how to organise documentation will help you to classify your documents according to your company’s specific needs for greater accessibility and significant time savings.

Illustration of document organisation | MCA Seed
Illustration Company Presentation | MCA Seed

Company presentation

In order to develop a customer base, it is extremely important to make a good first impression. The potential customer must quickly be able to form an idea about your company, understand who you are, what you offer and why.

While the discourse may change depending on the audience, the presentation of your company must remain consistent between meetings at trade shows, the “about” page of your website, social network profiles, telephone canvassing, etc.

Why did you create your company, what is your mission, your values ? What needs do you meet ? Here are some points to think about when working on your presentation.

Beyond the speech, you can also think about the means by which you want to communicate. If you do not have a social network, for example, it might be time to set one up and prepare a specific communication strategy. Posts could be shared about your company’s missions, team, etc. that would allow prospects to get to know you better. You could also, for example, make a short video presentation on your website.

MCA Seed Academy offers you a training to help you work on the presentation of your company and to know all the means at your disposal to develop your customers and your partnerships.

Sector developments

Marketing has evolved enormously in recent decades with the development of websites, social networks and search engines. Your company is facing new marketing challenges, the way it needs to communicate has changed.

So how can your company communicate on the web to promote its brand or products ? New methods are now available to work on brand awareness: landing pages, Facebook or Google advertising, LinkedIn or Instagram pages, SEO…

Being aware of these new methods and tools and learning to master them will allow you to develop a communication in the era of the times and to attract potential customers or partners more easily.

Une formation vous donnera connaissances de l’éventail d’outils et méthodes à disposition pour votre marketing et vous enseignera comment créer une landing page, mettre en place des campagnes de publicités payantes ou travailler le référencement naturel de votre site, selon les besoins de votre entreprise en matière de communication.

Illustration Evolution of sectors | MCA Seed

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Illustration of positioning with competitors | MCA Seed

Positioning with competitors

In a highly competitive market, it is crucial for a company to position itself well against the competition. All the more so if you are up against companies that are well established in the market or have more resources than you.

Whether you are setting up a business or developing an existing one, understanding how to analyse the competition and how to position yourself in relation to it is a skill that must be assimilated.

A good positioning requires a thorough analysis of the competition and of one’s own company:
– Who are the competitors to watch?
– What kind of targets are they aiming at ?
– What do they offer ?
– What communication and distribution methods do they use ?

Depending on the strengths and weaknesses of your competitors and your own, you will be able to adjust your offer and establish the resulting communication in order to better differentiate yourself in the market and reach your target with more precision.

A training course will provide you with the keys to analyse your competition in detail and position yourself in order to better differentiate yourself and subsequently boost your business.

Company image

A well-groomed brand image inspires confidence and makes it easier to attract potential customers and partners.

Working on your brand image starts with an analysis of your company: what image do you want to project according to your identity and values ? If it is already well established, how is your brand perceived by consumers ?

The message you wish to convey will influence the choice of your logo, your slogan and your entire visual identity. The website, the administrative documents, the commercial supports, the social networks, … all these elements must be worked in a coherent way around a graphic charter to reflect your identity.

Whether you want to build your brand for the launch of your company or recalibrate your already established brand, through the MCA Seed Academy trainings, you will learn more about what branding entails, how best to analyse your company for its identity and the various processes needed to develop your image.

Company image illustration | MCA Seed

Attracting new employees

One aspect of communication that can often be overlooked by companies is recruitment communication. While branding is primarily aimed at customers, it also aims to attract potential candidates.

Communicating about the company’s mission and values, your corporate culture, the working environment, the benefits you offer to your employees… various information can encourage candidates to apply to your company.

You need to think about your recruitment communication so that you can present yourself as an attractive employer and appeal to quality candidates.

What hiring processes should be put in place to attract more candidates ? Which network to use to advertise a vacancy ? How to prepare job advertisements so that they are attractive ? Should we use images or videos ?

Training will provide you with the keys to successful recruitment communication and offer you information and advice on the methods that best suit your company.

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