Planning and organisation
Time management
Monitoring working hours, planning schedules, managing holidays, holidays and sick leave… these are all elements to be mastered for time management, taking into account the interests of employees and the needs of the company.
For optimal scheduling, attention must be paid to the skills and resources present in the company in order to assign the most suitable person to a given task while avoiding work overload. Good visibility of work times and tasks in progress allows you to monitor performance and control the progress of ongoing projects.
The MCA Seed Academy training courses teach you about the processes that can be put in place to ensure proper planning and accurate monitoring of working hours. More efficient time management for a positive impact on your company’s productivity and control of deadlines.
Management of skilled resources
Ensuring that qualified resources are available for the tasks to be carried out in order to meet its objectives and commitments is one of the priorities of a company.
A lack of qualified resources affects performance and causes employee overload and customer dissatisfaction.
Without qualified resources, some tasks are left unattended or are taken over by people who do not have the required skills. This is risky because it takes longer to complete a task and it can be riddled with errors.
This means having an effective recruitment system in place to acquire competent staff according to the company’s needs, as well as being able to assign the right person to the right task when planning projects and schedules.
Training will help you to analyse your resources and put in place an effective recruitment and planning system to acquire and deploy qualified resources to achieve your goals.
Deadline management
Meeting deadlines is crucial in project management to maintain good relations with your clients and partners. Every effort must be made to accurately estimate the time needed to complete a task and to keep an eye on ongoing projects in order to immediately identify possible delays and unforeseen events and make adjustments accordingly.
In addition to unforeseen circumstances which are not your responsibility, delays can be due to several factors: poor distribution of tasks, unclear and precise instructions, lack of communication between the various project actors, lack of visibility on the tasks in progress and the general progress of the project, etc.
Thus, different solutions can contribute to a better management of deadlines according to the needs of your company, such as the implementation of automatic reminders for deadlines, the digitisation and automation of certain processes to save time on each step or the optimisation of the communication between the different actors of the project for more coordination.
Accurate estimation of deadlines based on the analysis of past projects, knowledge and implementation of organisational methods and/or tools that can help you manage deadlines, that’s what MCA Seed Academy’s training courses can bring you.
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Internal communication
Poor internal communication can lead to delays or errors within the company. It is essential to have a good internal communication strategy in place in your company to ensure that information gets to the right people at the right time and that it flows smoothly.
How do employees transfer information to each other in your company ? By email ? Face to face ? Via an online work platform ?
Conducting employee surveys can help you measure the level of communication in your company and identify areas of tension. Are they witnessing communication gaps ? Is information easily passed from one department to another ? Do they receive clear instructions from those in charge ?
There are various solutions to make internal communication more fluid: for example, the integration of work mobile phones, the implementation of a dedicated chat room integrated into a work platform, video-conferencing tools, etc. Management tools can also support document management, by putting data in the right place and sharing it with the right people through defined levels of access, it becomes easier to find the information needed to complete a task.
Optimising internal communication also means planning regular and structured communications. Organise meetings, whether face-to-face, by video conference or by telephone, to review and encourage communication for example.
Training will help you develop an effective internal communication strategy, taking into account the size of your company, the type of information circulating within it, the different departments within it, and the communication tools at your disposal.
Staff retention
High staff turnover can be a real source of stress: newcomers have to be trained all the time, the rest of the team has to take on more responsibilities than they should, frequent departures of colleagues can be demoralising and affect the general atmosphere…
As employees are a company’s most valuable resource, retaining them becomes a central issue.
Several factors can cause an employee to leave. Among them, work overload. This overload is often the result of poor organisation, so care must be taken to restructure the business to make life easier for employees and to offer them real working comfort. This may involve, for example, a better distribution of tasks or the automation of certain processes that will relieve them of repetitive tasks.
Another factor causing employees to leave is the lack of development opportunities within the company. If employees feel that they are stagnating, they will eventually look for opportunities elsewhere. Offering training to your employees according to their interests and skills is a way of supporting their development and enhancing their value.
The training offered by MCA Seed Academy will teach you how to analyse the causes of employee departures and how to put in place a solid strategy that will help reduce your turnover rate.
Valuation of skills
Valuing the skills of your employees is beneficial for their professional development but also for the performance of the company. It is important to be able to identify and use the talents of employees so that they feel that their skills are recognised and appreciated and that they contribute to the development of the company. Employees who feel appreciated will be more committed to their work.
Skills can be valued through regular skills assessments that serve to measure and ‘officially’ recognise employees’ skills, especially if these assessments are accompanied by a certification system.
The development of skills also requires investment in training. Employees can sharpen their skills or acquire new ones according to their interests, thus contributing to their personal and professional development.
MCA Seed Academy’s training courses help you to set up a real strategy for the development of skills within your company, for the development of your staff and the growth of your company.